How To Benefit From Running Projects You Know Nothing About
I have heard it suggested that PM’s really don’t need to know much about the essence of a project to manage it. Their role isn’t to be the expert (or anything close to one) but to simply plan and manage the project work towards its ultimate objectives and goals. I have a problem with this. I have been a PM for enough years to have learned that on projects where I knew very little about the guts of what needed to be accomplished, it was a whole lot more difficult for me to manage, and I...
Read MoreKnowledge Transfer – An Investment
Throughout history, man has had to develop and refine ways to pass knowledge on from one human to another and from one generation to another. Two of the most common forms of passing on knowledge are to write things down or to simply pass the knowledge on verbally. Writing things down can take many forms with language and words being the most obvious examples but other forms such as pictures and music have also played a significant role in this regard. Written things have the advantage of...
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